

Raymond Krossøy

Born and raised in Bergen, Norway, Raymond got his start behind the decks just a few year ago, but this guy learns quickly and he learns well and highlights his musical intelligence with excellent track selection. When in control of the music one can expect smooth and groovy tunes often with with Afro beat influences that keep everyone moving on the dance floor. Raymond's tune selection is accessible, but still underground with bass vocals with smooth melodies.

Krossøy has played locally alongside Reset Robot (Drumcode) and internationally with UNDRGRND in Amsterdam. He has most recently made an appearance with Norway’s biggest techno label PLOINK and has played to packed dancefloors in every club Bergen has to offer. Raymond is a force to be reckoned with both in front of and behind the decks and with his dedication we expect to see a lot more of him behind the decks.

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Sista Låten Collective © 2022

Bergen techno music

Techno power by Referat

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